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TED演讲者:Rob Cross | 罗伯·克劳斯
演讲标题:How to be a team player -- without burning out | 如何团队合作又不精疲力竭
内容概要:Collaboration in the workplace is more important than ever -- but it's making us less productive in some ways. Here's what
collaboration pioneer Rob Cross says is driving us to take on way too much -- and how we can reclaim our time and our peace of mind.
职场中的合作越来越重要,但是它也以某种形式降低了我们的工作效率。来听听合作先锋罗伯·克劳斯(Rob Cross)是怎么说的,是什么让我们承担
  • 来自:
  • 时间:2023-05-21 18:19:36
  • 网址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ns4y1N789