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【中文字幕】你們站在哪一邊 - Kaiserreich: The Divided States OST

What if Germany had won World War 1?

The World of Kaiserreich is an animated video series explaining the lore of the Hearts of Iron mod Kaiserreich. In the alt-history timeline of Kaiserreich, a German victory in WW1 changes the world as we know it.

Kaiserreich artist Vincent De Nil has joined forces with producer Lavito and singer Amy Saville to produce the first ever Kaiserreich OST song. Available as a free .MP3 download, Which Side is a gift to the community for years of continued love and support. We hope you guys like it and to bring you more cool content like this in the future!
  • 来自:
  • 时间:2023-03-11 23:42:41
  • 网址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ob411g7Az