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Action Songs for kids _ The Singing Walrus_超清

原作者名: The singing walrus
原视频标题: 英文棒棒堂 #activities#Action Songs for kids _ The Singing Walrus
简介: The Singing Walrus was founded in 2011 by Ja-Hae Oh and Josh Grimley, a married couple who worked as English teachers in South Korea for nearly 3 years.

They believe in the power of music and imagination in education,
not only as a tool for learning,
but also for the overall development of children’s
emotional, social, cultural, physical, and creative potential.

本姑娘超级喜欢the singing walrus的歌曲和视频,那么就让我快乐地搬砖吧。
  • 来自:
  • 时间:2023-07-30 21:36:47
  • 网址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1FW411x7Cv