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flickering memories 🌷 xeu's piano diary

"In my room, flickering with candlelight, I caught a glimpse of you smiling today in my imagination, and it momentarily erased the feeling of you being gone.

Though, reality reminded me of the space in my life you’ve left behind.

I've been trying to appear strong, but I'm exhausted inside. I closed my eyes, feeling your presence beside me, understanding that you may not be here anymore, but the memories of our time together still give me a strange kind of strength.

I almost forgot you faded away."

Today's mix includes:

- 00:00 - I saw you smile today. I almost forgot you faded away.
- 02:34 - Candles
- 08:03 - turning point
- 10:27 - I’m exhausted from trying to be stronger than I feel
- 14:03 - Close your eyes
- 18:07 - Walk Beside You

I hope you can relax here 💙

  • 来自:
  • 时间:2023-08-05 01:41:48
  • 网址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1hh4y117wZ