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郸城县兆亿伞业有限公司位于河南省周口市郸城县城关镇工业大道伞业园区A6栋,经营范围包括雨具制造与销售; 货物进出口,是一家雨伞、晴雨伞、太阳伞、定制雨伞、外贸伞等产品专业生产加工的公司。

鄲城縣兆億傘業有限公司位於河南省周口市鄲城縣城關鎮工業大道傘業園區A6棟,經營範圍包括雨具製造與銷售; 貨物進出口,是一家雨傘、晴雨傘、太陽傘、定制雨傘、外貿傘等產品專業生產加工的公司。

Dancheng County Zhaoyi Umbrella Industry Co., Ltd. is located in Building A6, Umbrella Industry Park, Industrial Avenue, Chengguan Town, Dancheng County, Zhoukou City, Henan Province. Its business scope includes the manufacturing and sales of rain gear; We are a professional production and processing company specializing in the import and export of goods, including umbrellas, sun umbrellas, customized umbrellas, and foreign trade umbrellas
  • 来自:
  • 时间:2023-08-15 10:35:52
  • 网址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16V4y1U72U